To God be the glory I got blessed with an air fryer today. Thank you God of all the things going on in the world you keep sending blessing. To you and only be the glory in Jesus Name Amen
Ida Phillips
To God be the glory I got blessed with an air fryer today. Thank you God of all the things going on in the world you keep sending blessing. To you and only be the glory in Jesus Name Amen
Ida Phillips
Harvest time !!!!!!!! I just want to thank the Lord for blessing me with a cash app for lunch!!! In Jesus name […]
When the Lord said start getting water the next day I was blessed with 20 cases of water 40 in some packs […]
I want to thank God for the Financial class we prayed for breakthrough I found 20.00 dollars then I was blessed with […]
this week the Lord had a mother to bring me some money to my job and another blessing a teacher mother made […]