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One of my three sons was invited to a halloween party. I reminded him that, “We are Christians and we don’t celebrate a devilish holiday.” The party was three days before halloween. He and his older brother didn’t understand why he could not go to the party, since it wasn’t on that specific day. I continued to explain the reason we don’t celebrate anything of the devil.

My sons got bad attitudes, because of what I was saying. Due to their attitudes, I took their phones and electronics. I told them to focus on school. My oldest son didn’t like it. He and his brother decided to plot against me.

They wanted to “teach” me a lesson. When they went to school the next day, they told the police on campus that I punched one of them and threw him into the door, and the other one agreed. My third son was questioned about the incident by the police. His reply was, “that didn’t happen.” Although there was no physical evidence of abuse I was still arrested for child abuse.

I lost my job and my income as the result of their lies. I am a single father. People told me that I need a lawyer, but Suzy gave me a prophetic word…”God said, ‘You don’t need a lawyer. Trust Me. Your name will be cleared, and you will get your job back.’”

The case continued for a month. I trusted that God was working on my behalf. I also had favor with those who are in charge at my job. I was being persecuted for standing up for God and being a Christian. God reassured me that He is working in my behalf.

God moved on my kids to tell the truth. I had a public defender, who happened to be a Christian. She really wanted to help me, and make sure my name was cleared.

A day before my trial date, all charges were dropped. Suzy also prophesied saying, “You will not go to trial.” I got my job back the next week.

All praises and glory goes to God!!! Amen!


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