I have been praying for marriage to become equally yolked for quite some time now. I was raised in the church and when I met my husband I was very religious. I did what I thought was right by God and I was hurting everyone around me. He got to where any mention of church annoyed him. I joined Suzy Brothers Life Changing Classes for Divine Turn Around 2 months ago and I have learned so much about the way our God truly operates. Last night my husband joined the phone line with me. He rolled his eyes a few times but this morning he called me on his way to work to tell me that as he was riding and praying he repented for rejecting the word of God. He also said he was given a word of reassurance from the Lord as he prayed. I am so grateful for this because his heart has been so hard for so long when it comes to Christianity. I just thank God for changing my heart so that I can genuinely walk in the fruits of the Spirit and bring people to Him instead of pushing them away.
Keyanah Montgomery-Mckee